Meet Us

Our Mission

What drives our team every day is to eliminate the daily frustrations and complexities of field operators and inventory managers and to enable to simply concentrate on their core mission.

This implies the commitment of our team to sit next to each customer, listen to what keeps them awake at night, and make sure to provide, through our technology, a simple, intuitive, and affordable tool bridging the gap between their existing infrastructure and the new reality of field operations.

Our key milestones


  • Vishal Punamiya, 13 years experienced in logistics, created Ventory. 

  • The concept of the solution is shown to industry experts for validation and further improvement. 

  • Our MVP is presented to early customers.


  • Our Alpha solution is developed and tested in the field together with early customers.

  • The very first pilot tests were performed successfully. 


  • A new - Beta - version arised and rolled out to extended sites and users. 

  • A huge increase in transactions exceeding 1 million performed on the platform is observed.

  • Ventory won the European Supply Chain Startup Contest!


  • Ventory is ready and officially launched on the market.

  • Ventory raised Eur 1.75M seed investment to help further grow the team and  product.

Our Values

Customer focus



Problem solving

Vishal's words, our founder

"Having spent over 13 years within the logistics industry for global players such as Envirotainer, DHL and Panalpina (now DSV) - there was a clear trend in the industry - enterprises across the board were storing more inventory in the field than ever before. Existing systems were complex, un-economical and not agile enough to address this new business reality."

To address this growing gap - a solution that is intuitive,  fast to deploy and that is economical was needed.

We decided to develop a entirely new solution ground up taking into account this new reality and combining it with the latest technological innovations around edge computing, vision AI among others to start Ventory.

Growing number of enterprises today count on Ventory  to extend their reach of their existing systems and turn their field operations into a competitive advantage.

CEO, Founder

Vishal Punamiya